MPKFA - Invincibility
MPWIMPY - Wimpy mode
MPHAUNTED - Ghost bad guys
MPPSTOPWATCH - Display elapsed time
MPPOS - Display world position
MPFPS - Display frame rate
MPCASPER - Invisibility
MPVADER - Invincibility
MPPLAYALLDAY - Infinite Lives Mode
MPBUNZ - Makes Claw Strong
MPFRANKLIN - Lightning Sword
MPAPPLE - Full Health
MPGANDALF - Full Magic
MPFREAK - Catnip
MPKFA - God Mode
MPLOADED - Full Ammo
MPSTOPWATCH - Timer on the bottom of the screen
MPPOS - Shows global position
MPFPS - Frames per second
MPOBJECTS - Shows # of objects on screen
MPNOINFO - show/hide info for above 4 cheats
MPLITH - Monolith logos & Music
MPMONOLITH - Same as the above code
MPLOGO - Same as mplith & mpmonolith
MPMOONGOODIES - Bouncing treasure
MPSPOOKY - Makes Claw invisible to enemies
MPHAUNTED - Makes Enemies into ghosts
MPSHADOW - Makes Claw a shadow
MPSUPERTHROW - Super Throw mode
MPWIMPY - Claw is weak
MPJORDAN - Claw jumps as high as Michael Jordan!
MPBOTLESS - Toggles the background off/on
MPMIDLESS - Toggles the middle plane off/on
MPTOPLESS - Toggles the foreground off/on
MPINCVID - Increases the Resolution
MPDECVID - Decreases the Resolution
MPDEFVID - Default Resolution
MPJAZZY - 320X200 Resolution
MPDEVHEADS - Shows developers heads in place of treasure
MPBLASTER - Full dynamite